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The Gangsters

A group of cuddly miniature Shetlands who love to cause mischief! Read The Gangsters's story


Rescued at just two months old, a truly special little donkey who became a national symbol of hope after the Amersham rescue. Read Esther's story


You can't help falling in love with gorgeous pony Elvis! Read Elvis's story


Maya is a stunning horse known as Redwings' very own 'Black Beauty'! Read Maya's story

Wiggins and Wacko

Now they've found each other, Wiggins and Wacko will never be lonely again. Read Wiggins and Wacko's story


Adorable donkey Minnie is a lovely lassie who is always first to the fence to say hello! Read Minnie's story


Unable to walk due to overgrown hooves, gorgeous spotty Dotty will never be in pain again. Read Dotty's story


Tiny Tinkerbell was born at Redwings after her mum survived horrific neglect. Read Tinkerbell's story


With her super fluffy coat and long ears, it's hard not to fall in love with adorable donkey Arya! Read Arya's story


A beautiful horse born at Redwings after her mum was discovered living in appalling conditions. Read Victoria's story


Lady is a beautiful and friendly gentle giant who adores cuddles. Read Lady's story

Timothy and Cain

Timothy and Cain are best friends and always causing havoc! Read Timothy and Cain's story


Stunning Shire Cross Fox is a real gent! Read Fox's story


Miraculous Monarch was born at Redwings after his mum was hit by a lorry. Read Monarch's story


Stunning Zippy survived the horrors of Spindle Farm and found love at Redwings. Read Zippy's story


Pickle is a super friendly girl who doesn't let her visual impairment slow her down! Read Pickle's story


Orphaned foal Gibson has grown into a playful and mischievous horse! Read Gibson's story


Terrified Rumpel would shake at the merest touch when first rescued, but look at him now! Read Rumpel's story


Handsome Noah is one marvellous mule! Read Noah's story


Mini but mighty Shetland pony Sampson loves nothing more than a cuddle! Read Sampson's story


Adorable Lily loves meeting new people and a good fuss! Read Lily's story

Adoption pack

Receive a wonderful adoption pack

Sponsor a horse or donkey from as little as £2 a month via direct debit or make a one-off donation and you’ll receive a wonderful adoption pack.

What’s included

  • Three postal updates a year from your new friend including one at Christmas!
  • Your Adoption Star’s photo and rescue story
  • Quarterly email updates with photos from your Adoption Star Friend
  • An invitation to their birthday party – yes really!
  • A certificate of adoption
  • A factsheet all about your chosen animal
  • A bookmark featuring your Adoption Star

You will also receive our twice-yearly newsletter or children’s magazine so you can keep up with all the latest news from Redwings!

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