Introducing a special new edition
Now, for the first time, an edition of Black Beauty has been produced that will directly impact horse welfare in other ways too.
For every special Redwings edition of Black Beauty sold, half of the proceeds will go directly towards the care of our horses and ponies.
The book has been produced by the UEA Publishing Project, with a foreword by Dame Jacqueline Wilson and an afterword from Professor Thomas Ruys Smith.
“ …never whip a horse for shying: he shies because he is frightened and you only frighten him more and make the habit worse.”
Horses are easily frightened and don’t forget a fearful experience. Using punishment to try and stop horses expressing fear will make them more afraid, not less. They are also more likely to be frightened of a similar situation in the future.
At Redwings, we work to create positive experiences for our horses so they can learn to trust and communicate with us without fear.

“When a good [person] and a good horse who understand each other, are of one mind, it is wonderful what they can do.”
There is increasing recognition of the ‘horse-human bond’, whereby people interact with horses through good communication and building relationships based on trust not fear.
Anna recognised the benefits of treating animals with kindness and respect and that more can be achieved by working in partnership with these intelligent, sensitive creatures.