Keep Horses In Mind

Keep Horses In Mind

Having worked to raise awareness on this issue for more than 10 years, ahead of this year's Bonfire Night season, Redwings is sending a stronger and clearer message than ever with our new campaign: Keep Horses In Mind.

One of our first campaign actions will be to be part of a drop-in event for MPs in Westminster to raise awareness amongst those who have the power to bring about a much-needed improvement to regulations. As part of the Fireworks Working Group, the event will highlight the adverse impact of fireworks not only on horses, but also on other animals, people, wildlife and the environment. 

The MPs' drop-in event will take place in
Room S, Portcullis House
Weds 30th October 2024
2pm - 3.30pm

Please contact your MP using the button below to encourage them to attend!

Fireworks stats

“Horses die or are injured in fireworks-related incidents every year and Redwings wholeheartedly welcomes the tighter regulations that Scotland has introduced and is calling on Westminster to follow their lead."

Helen Whitelegg

Research and Policy Officer

“The financial cost of the extra measures we take during the fireworks season is not insignificant to a charity like ours, but obviously our residents’ welfare is our top priority, and we do everything we can to keep them safe and happy.”

Lynn Cutress

Chief Executive


Take action


Write to your MP


Download the BHS Horse i app


Report an incident to the RSPCA


Sign Julie Doorne’s petition

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